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Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Advertising Campaign of Im3

Advertising campaign is activity to make consument interst with the product or service with use media promotion like ATL (Above The Line), BTL (Below The Line) and OOH (Out Of Home),  and advertising campaign have time limited.
ATL (Above The Line) is a form of media advertising, where a commission or free is paid to an agency working for its client. The commission represents a percentage of the media investment – that is, how much is spent on media during the advertising campaign.
BTL (Below The Line) refers to any non-media advertising or promotion. Marketing servies agencies are expert in BTL tactics, such as dirrect mail, exhibitions, point-of sale, or street marketing.
OOH (Out Of Home) advertising can really grab your attention or get your face. Advertisers have a wide choice of poster sites, sizes and format from 4 sheets to 96 sheets. Advertisers can buy a network of sites to target their consumers or to reach people in their geographical area, or catchment zone.
Im3 is product of provider telecomunication that produce by PT. Indosat TBK. Recently Im3 launching their new programe is “MU24H itu IM3” that programe want to show that only Im3 which have low price in service provider telecomunication in Indonesia.This advertising campaign have limited time for 3 month since November 2010 until January 2011.

1.    Commercial in TV
2.    Print Media
  •  Brochure
  • Banner
  • Poster
  • Sticker, etc
3.    OOH (Billboard)


Advertising techniques that use Im3 is peer aproval and celebrity endorsement. Peer aproval associates the product with social acceptence by friends or peers. And celebrity endorsement use a famous person, such as a footballer or film star, to recommend the product. Celebrity endorsement of Im3 use Nikita Willy for commercial TV.


Market Segment and Consumer Behaviour


Market segmentation is identifies group of buyers within a market who share similar needs and demonstrate similar purchasing behavior. Market segments are described by demographics and psychographics. Demographics and psychographics are used to target a segment by using data to build up a customer profile. Aqua use demographic and psychographic market segmentation. For demographics Aqua use demographic and psychographic market segmentation. For demographics market segmentation like age group, sex, religion, income, and life cycle. And psychographic market segmentation like education, attitude and opinion, and life style. Look at this picture! (This picture is describe market segmentation of Aqua gallon package).


•    Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs AQUA  including physiological needs. Why? Because AQUA  is            drinking product and physiological needs its mean that how he will pay for his food and housing (this major customer concern), so AQUA is including primary of need.

•    Purchasing Behaviour
Purchasing behaviour or purchasing patterns refer to what a consumer buys, and when and how they make their final purchasing decision.
Consuments and customers of AQUA can buy AQUA anytime they want to drink or they feel thirsty. They can buy AQUA in all retail like modern and traditonal retail, AQUA available in there.

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Product and Pricing of AQUA

Aqua Mineral Water 

Produk Line 
Produk Line is a group of related products made and marketed by a manufacturer. Product Line from Aqua is Mizone, because Mizone produce by Aqua.

Product Class 
Product Class is a group of products that may be considered as substitutes for one another. Product class from Aqua Mineral Water  is Club Mineral Water, because the position of market share Club Mineral Water in the second after Aqua.

Brand Essence
Brand Essense Aqua is “Aqua Kebaikan Alam, Kebaikan Hidup” it’s mean thats Aqua want to give the best quality from pure wellspring for health their consumen.

Brand Category 
Aqua is Market Leader for Mineral Water in Indonesia. Market Share Aqua is largest in Indonesia.

Brand Value
Brand value from Aqua is “Im Good for You” because Aqua have offer values like Aqua have great taste, and Aqua have good quality for healthy because the raw matterials Aqua is made from 100% Pure wellspring.

Product Material
Product Material Aqua is from Plastic like PP (Polypropylene), PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate), and HDPE (High Density Polyethylene).
  •  Packaged 220 ml the product material from PP (Polypropylene)
  •  Packaged 600 ml and 1 liter the product material from PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)
  •  Packaged 19 liters / Aqua gallon the product material from HDPE (High Density Polyethylene).

Packaging Aqua is from Package Glass or Bottle and then package into box or caton. if  glass package  each box or carton contain 48 glass, and if bottle package each box or carton contain 24 bottle.

Pricing Strategy
The Pricing Strategy from Aqua is Premium Pricing, because Aqua have high price then other competitor of mineral water. Beside that, Aqua have high price because aqua have good quality, so Consumen get high price and high Quality too.

Selasa, 23 November 2010

Company Profile of PT. Aqua Golden Mississippi, TBK

PT Aqua Golden Mississippi, Tbk is a pioneer manufacturer of bottled drinking water in Indonesia. PT. Aqua Golden Mississippi, Tbk was established on 23 of February 1973 in Bekasi by Tirto Utomo, and after operating for 30 years, AQUA now has 14 factories in Indonesia.
Company Growth
  • On 23td of February, 1973 PT Aqua Golden Mississippi was Establish.
  • On 1st of October 1974 commercial products was began, with a production capacity of 6 million liters    a      year. 
  • In 1981, AQUA decided to replace the original raw materials from wells drilled into the self-flowing     spring.
  • On 1st of March, 1990 this company go public, they change their name from PT Golden Mississippi into PT. Aqua Golden Mississippi 
  • In 1998, AQUA join with the Group DANONE, which is one of the group of bottled drinking water  company in the world. 
Market Share

Aqua              : 91,4%      Other Merk    : 1,2%
Other Merk    : 1,8%        Other Merk    : 0,4%
Other Merk    : 1,7%        Other Merk    : 0,2%

Company Achievement

  •  In 1986, AQUA get “Asia Star Award” from Tokyo, Japan.
  •  In 1994 and 1995, AQUA is the first drinking water that managed to obtain ISO 9002 certificate, and other certification AQUA get is Good Manufacturing Pratices from NSF (National Sanitation Foundation).
  • In early 1999, AQUA sucsess to get  SMK3 certificate (Sertifikat Mutu Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja)
  • In 1999, the result survey from independen magazine Singapore put AQUA products as "Superbrands 1999" the most recognized and trusted quality.

Corporate Social Responsibility

“AQUA Launch Program One to Ten”
    Still many areas of Indonesia which have difficulty getting access to clean water. In fact, water is an important factor to achieve healthy living.
Through program “ One to Ten”, AQUA have contribution by active and have continuation to give solution to existing problems, including difficulty access clean water in Indonesia.
    Way of this program is every purchasing 1L AQUA ( with special lable), AQUA commit to give ready facility access to 10L clean water. This special program from DANONE AQUA to increase awareness of habit of healthy life. To in this time, this program realization in East Nusa Tenggara.

Selasa, 28 September 2010

PT Aqua Golden Mississippi, Tbk

PT Aqua Golden Mississippi was founded in 1973 by Tirto Utomo, as a pioneer manufacturer of bottled drinking water in Indonesia. The first factory was established in Bekasi. After operating for 30 years, AQUA now has 14 factories in Indonesia. In 1998, AQUA (which is under the auspices of PT Tirta Investama) conducted a strategic move to join the Group DANONE, which is one of the group of bottled drinking water company in the world. This step is an impact on improving product quality, market share, and application of latest water packaging technology. Under the flag-DANONE AQUA, AQUA now has more than 1,000,000 points of distribution that can be accessed by users throughout Indonesia.

AQUA derived from selected springs that represent some of the best natural water springs in Indonesia. Finding a suitable spring AQUA criteria is not easy work. At the time of finding the source of natural spring, it must be ensured that every mountain spring water must meet the criteria of 9 points which then pass through five stages of a rigorous selection process before they can be used as water sources for AQUA.

Nine criteria must be met in the selection of mountain springs are:
Total discharge of water from water sources must be balanced with the need. This is because AQUA want to ensure that the environment around the springs is maintained.

The Strenght or Positive from the product is :
- Aqua is Mineral Water which have good quality than another trade mark of Mineral Water
- The product is Market Leader in Indonesia
- Aqua have good taste, it's mean that Aqua really pure natural from nature
- Aqua have economical Price