Aqua Mineral Water
Produk Line
Produk Line is a group of related products made and marketed by a manufacturer. Product Line from Aqua is Mizone, because Mizone produce by Aqua.
Product Class
Product Class is a group of products that may be considered as substitutes for one another. Product class from Aqua Mineral Water is Club Mineral Water, because the position of market share Club Mineral Water in the second after Aqua.Brand Essence
Brand Essense Aqua is “Aqua Kebaikan Alam, Kebaikan Hidup” it’s mean thats Aqua want to give the best quality from pure wellspring for health their consumen.
Brand Category
Aqua is Market Leader for Mineral Water in Indonesia. Market Share Aqua is largest in Indonesia.
Brand Value
Brand value from Aqua is “Im Good for You” because Aqua have offer values like Aqua have great taste, and Aqua have good quality for healthy because the raw matterials Aqua is made from 100% Pure wellspring.
Product Material
Product Material Aqua is from Plastic like PP (Polypropylene), PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate), and HDPE (High Density Polyethylene).
- Packaged 220 ml the product material from PP (Polypropylene)
- Packaged 600 ml and 1 liter the product material from PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)
- Packaged 19 liters / Aqua gallon the product material from HDPE (High Density Polyethylene).
Packaging Aqua is from Package Glass or Bottle and then package into box or caton. if glass package each box or carton contain 48 glass, and if bottle package each box or carton contain 24 bottle.
Pricing Strategy
The Pricing Strategy from Aqua is Premium Pricing, because Aqua have high price then other competitor of mineral water. Beside that, Aqua have high price because aqua have good quality, so Consumen get high price and high Quality too.